Beverly Education Foundation Funds 11 New Grants

Beverly Education Foundation Funds 11 New Grants

Beverly Education Foundation Board voted to fund 11 grants benefitting all schools in the amount of $11,465.00 at the April Board meeting.   These grants include among others focus on promoting literacy at all levels, wellness and cognition, STEAM, problem solving,...
Over $10,000 Awarded in Grants for 2021

Over $10,000 Awarded in Grants for 2021

The Beverly Education Foundation awarded 15 grants at the Beverly School Committee Meeting on June 16, 2021! Over $10,000 in grant funding was distributed to faculty and staff at Beverly Public Schools to support various educational programs, initiatives and projects...
Beverly Education Foundation Funds 11 New Grants

Beverly Education Foundation Funds 14 New Grants

The Beverly Education Foundation Board voted to fund 14 grants from various schools in the amount of $10,294.00 at the March Board meeting.   These grants will focus on creating culturally responsive libraries, social emotional well-being of teachers and students,...